ning ishlashi va qo'llanilishi haqida nimalarni bilasiz 5 seriyali dengiz sinfidagi alyuminiy qotishmasi?

Dengiz alyuminiy plitasi turli ishlab chiqarish jarayonlariga ko'ra deformatsiyalangan alyuminiy plastinka va quyma alyuminiy plastinkaga bo'linishi mumkin.. Chunki dengiz alyuminiy plitasi kuch uchun maxsus talablarga ega, korroziyaga chidamliligi va payvandlash qobiliyati, dengiz alyuminiy plitasi asosan alyuminiy magniy qotishmasini qabul qiladi, aluminum magnesium silicon alloy and aluminum zinc magnesium alloy. Ular orasida, 5 series aluminum magnesium alloy is most widely used in ships, 5. What are the characteristics of marine aluminum plate?

There are mainly 5083, 5086 va 5456 aluminum plates for 5-series ships. Intergranular corrosion of 6 series alloy occurs in seawater, so it is widely used in ship superstructure. The disadvantage of 7 series alloy is poor corrosion resistance, so its application range is limited. Overall, 5 Series marine aluminum plate is the most widely used and promising aluminum plate product at present.

5 seriyali dengiz sinfidagi alyuminiy qotishmasi

5083 aluminum plate can be regarded as the representative product of 5 seriyali dengiz sinfidagi alyuminiy qotishmasi, with the status of O, h111, h112, h116, H321, va boshqalar. the alloy composition of 5083 aluminum plate is: Alyuminiy al: surplus, silicon Si: ≤ 0.40, copper Cu: ≤ 0.10, magnesium mg: 4.0 ~ 4.9, zinc Zn: ≤ 0.25, manganese Mn: 0.40 ~ 1.0, titanium Ti: ≤ 0.15, chromium Cr: 0.05 ~ 0.25, iron Fe: 0 ~ 0.4005083 aluminum plate has medium strength, good corrosion resistance and formability, It has high fatigue resistance and is generally used as the main structure of the hull. Boshqalar, kabi 5052, 5086, 5454, 5456, va boshqalar., are also commonly used in hull structure or pressure vessel, pipeline, hull and deck.

Umuman aytganda, the thickness of plates is determined by the hull structure, ship specifications and application parts. From the perspective of hull lightweight, thin plates are generally used as much as possible, but the depth of plate corrosion within the service time should also be considered. The commonly used plates are thin plates of more than 1.6mm and thick plates of more than 30mm. Some plates with special specifications are also used according to the shipyard contract. For anti-skid, the deck adopts checkered plate.

From the perspective of marine aluminum plate development, at present, many domestic aluminum processing manufacturers have begun to focus on the research and development of 5-series and 6-series marine aluminum plates, strengthen scientific research, expand production scale, and enter high-end manufacturing markets such as marine aluminum plates