1060 alyuminiy qatlam

1060 toza alyuminiy plastinka plitasi

Kirish 1060 Alyuminiy plitalar plitasi 1060 alyuminiy plitalar plitasi tegishli 1000 seriyali alyuminiy qatlam, bu juda o'xshash 1050 dan ortiq alyuminiy qotishmasi 0.1% og'irligi bo'yicha alyuminiy. Ikkalasi ham 1050 va 1060 Huawei AL alyuminiy plitasi, ISO standartlariga javob beradi, lekin ular turli ASTM standartlarini qamrab oladi. 1060 alyuminiy qotishmasi mavjud 0.05% qamoqxona ...

alyuminiy rulonli trim

lasan alyuminiy trim

Huawei turli xil qotishma trim rulonli alyuminiyni taklif qiladi 10 turli ranglar. Biz yuqori sifatli alyuminiy rulonli sirtlarni sanoatdagi eng kuchli qoplamalardan biri bilan bo'yab turamiz, sanoatning etakchi kafolati bilan ta'minlangan. Trim Coil Aluminum Surface Treatment of Trim Coil Aluminum Trim coil aluminum have a strong and flexible finish including smoot

custom aluminum sheet metal battery box

batareya uchun alyuminiy plastinka plitasi

aluminum sheet plate for battery shell 3003 aluminum plate can be used for the production of power battery shell materials If you want to know which material is better for the power battery shell, you must first know what a power battery is. Although there is no clear definition for the power battery in academia, the basic agreement of the global elec

1000 alyuminiy qotishmasi

1000 seriyali toza alyuminiy

Barcha seriyalar orasida, 1000 seriyali eng alyuminiy tarkibiga ega, va uning sofligi ko'proq erishish mumkin 99.00%. Chunki unda boshqa texnik elementlar mavjud emas, ishlab chiqarish jarayoni nisbatan yagona va narxi nisbatan arzon. Hozirgi vaqtda an'anaviy sanoatda eng ko'p qo'llaniladigan seriyadir. Ayni paytda, muomaladagi mahsulotlarning aksariyati i

3mm aluminium sheet

3mm aluminum sheet plate

Countries we export 3mm aluminium sheet to. Huawei Aluminum is the world's leading manufacturer and stockist of 3mm aluminium sheet, we wholesale many kinds of alloy aluminum sheet, such as alloy 1050, 3003, 5052, 6061, va boshqalar. Our 3mm aluminium sheet has been serving aluminum sheet demand companies from more than 60 countries and regions for a long time, s

gidrofil alyuminiy folga

konditsioner uchun gidrofilik alyuminiy folga

Huawei alyuminiy: Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Aluminum Foil Manufacturing Processes Base material for producing air conditioning foil and other products. Konditsioner plyonkasi konditsionerlar uchun issiqlik almashtirgich qanotlarini ishlab chiqarish uchun maxsus materialdir. Erta ishlatilgan konditsioner folga oddiy folga edi. In order to improve the surface p

Red color anodized aluminum sheet plate

How is red anodized aluminum formed? Anodized aluminum tinting is a chemical change that involves the surface oxidation of aluminum and its alloys in an artificial manner. Electrolytic coloring: anodlash, water washing, electrolytic coloring in metal salt aqueous solution, water washing, muhrlash. Practical electrolytic coloring process using nickel, tin

alyuminiy doira 2014

2014 qotishma alyuminiy disk doirasi

2014 qotishma Alyuminiy disk doirasi teshiklari bilan 2014 qotishma Alyuminiy disk doirasi teshiklari bilan 2014 aluminum circle applications Aluminum circle for human shelters air filter body and cover Human shelters air filter aluminum parts Human shelters air filter aluminum cover Human refuge air filter aluminum body 2014 aluminum ci

5xxx seriyali alyuminiy lasan

5000 seriyali qotishma metall alyuminiy lasan

5000 seriyali alyuminiy qotishma lasan 5000 series alloy metal aluminum coil is a commonly used industrial material, it is aluminum-magnesium alloy sheet roll, its magnesium content is around 3-5%, the main characteristics are low density, yuqori kuchlanish kuchi, yuqori cho'zilish, widely used in conventional industry. Huawei aluminum's current production of 5 seriya

konteyner uchun alyuminiy folga

tijorat darajasidagi alyuminiy folga rulosi

Jumbo Rolling: Pushing the Boundaries of Aluminum Foil Manufacturing Specifications 1.Excellent vapor barrier 2.Unaffected by condensation and humidity 3.High Tensile Strength, High Adhesive Strength, Good tear resistant Application: Ushbu mahsulotlar izolyatsiya materiali sifatida ishlatiladi, qadoqlash materiali, binolarni izolyatsiyalashda ishlatiladi, construction ins

alyuminiy pvdf bilan qoplangan

PVDF bilan qoplangan alyuminiy

PVDF qoplangan alyuminiy / choyshab / lasan: Nimani bilishingiz kerak? PVDF alyuminiy bilan qoplangan nima? PVDF - bu poliviniliden ftorid nomining qisqartmasi, bu aslida qoplamaning bir turi, asosiy material sifatida qatron bilan ishlov beriladi, va ko'pincha sanoat ishlab chiqarishda qo'llaniladi. Keyinchalik, b mumkin

aluminum clear anodized

Clear anodized aluminum

What is Clear Anodized Aluminum Clear anodized aluminum also known as natural anodized aluminum It refers to aluminum that has been transparent anodized. Biroq, transparent anodizing of aluminum does not mean that the aluminum becomes transparent, but that the aluminum has undergone an unstained anodizing process. clear anodized aluminum T

1050 alyuminiy plastinka plitasi

Nima bu 1050 alyuminiy plastinka plitasi? Alyuminiy qotishma materiallari korroziyaga chidamliligi bilan mashhur, va 1xxx qotishmalari barcha qotishmalar orasida eng yaxshi korroziyaga chidamliligiga ega. 1050 alyuminiy plitalar 1xxx alyuminiy plitalari orasida eng mashhur qotishma alyuminiy plitalardir. 1050 alyuminiy plitalar, odatda, o'rta quvvatli umumiy qatlamli metallni qayta ishlash uchun javob beradi.

Alyuminiy protsessor plastinkasining sirt sifati

Alyuminiy protsessor plastinkasining sirt sifati (1) Ordinary accuracy: the surface of the aluminum plate is allowed to have a thin layer of iron oxide scale, and the surface roughness and height or depth of the surface formed by the iron oxide scale falling off exceed the allowable deviation and other local defects. Insignificant burrs and individual marks whose

Everything you should know about a 3mm aluminium sheet

What is a 3mm aluminum sheet? A 3mm aluminum sheet is an everyday norm. 3mm alludes to the thickness of the aluminum plate. It addresses the length and width, or at least, the size of the 3mm aluminum plate is 8 dyuym, va kengligi 4 dyuym. 3mm aluminium plates are extremely common in shipbuilding. These 3mm aluminium plates for marine use are light

Tugatish varag'ini oynaga o'tkazish uchun alyuminiy varaq/plastinkani qanday silliqlash va silliqlash kerak

Siz uyda bo'lganingizda, Qanday qilib oddiy alyuminiy qatlamni yuqori aks ettiruvchi ko'zgu bilan qoplangan alyuminiy qatlamga qo'lda maydalash mumkin

alyuminiy doiralar 1050 h12

Morocco customers placed another order for 20 tons aluminum circles 1050 h12

Order details Product name: alyuminiy doiralar 1050 h12 Alloy and temper: 1050 h12 Size Diameter x thickness ( mm ) 340 x 0.6 360 x 0.6 400 x 0.6 340 x 0.7 400 x 0.8 450 x 0.8 550 x 0.8 500 x 0.8

7075 alloy aluminum sheet

How to identify the quality of 7075 alloy aluminum sheet good or bad?

The real stress-strain data of 7075 alloy aluminum sheet were obtained at forming temperatures from 573 uchun 723 K and strain rates from 0.01 uchun 10 s-1. The data were used as the basic model for calculating the triple criterion of strain rate sensitivity index (m value), power dissipation factor (η value), and instability criterion (ξ(ε.) value). The thermal p

Blue anodized aluminum

Blue anodized aluminum Will blue anodized aluminium make your project look better? Shunda siz Huawei-da to'g'ri joydasiz. We’re experts in anodizing and offer a lot of different colour possibilities. Huawei-da bu erda biz anodlashimiz mumkin, rang, cho'tka, qisqa vaqt ichida alyuminiyni jilolang va maydalang. Anodlangan alyuminiyni bo'yash uchun, masalan ko'k, we use a elect

The opening of the us chocolate foil market

Cathy, our new foreign trade employee, has not issued an order since she joined the company three months ago. It may be because she is not familiar with foreign trade. Every time she writes an email or talks about a client, she has many problems. Cathy was about to give up when she received an inquiry for chocolate foil from the United States. As an alumi

Burkina-Faso mijozlari yana bir buyurtma berishdi 26 tonna CC 1050 alyuminiy qatlam doirasi

Order details Product name: CC 1050 aluminum sheet circle Alloy temper: 1050 TO, 1050 H12 Sizes Diameter x thickness ( mm ) 200 x 0.7 230 x 0.7 250 x 0.8 290 x 0.8 320 x 0.9 330 x 1.0 360 x 1.0 380 x 1.1 420 x 1.1 450 x 1.1 520 x 1.3 580 x 1.4 640 x 1.4 1160 x 1.2 230 x 0.5 250 x 0.5 290 x 0.5

What’s Tropical Blister Foil

Typical Structure of tropical blister foil features sandwich layered construction of OPA/Al/VC, manufactured on automated digitally controlled equipment to assure consistency, reliability and extreme functionality allied with aesthetics. Tropical blister foil consists of nylon, aluminum and adhesive, and in fact, tropical blister foil is a sheet of materi

The factors that affect the price of aluminum tread plate

The factors that affect the price of aluminum tread plate (1) The price of the aluminum tread plate depends on the pattern. The pattern is divided into: the rate of flower formation, the height of the pattern, and the difference in pattern height, so the price of different patterns is different; (2) The thickness of the checkered plate is also an impor

1050 h12 alyuminiy disk

Eksport 20 tonna 1050 Malayziyaga h12 alyuminiy disk

Order details Product name: 1050 h12 aluminium disc Export country: Malaysia Quantity: 20 tons Alloy temper: 1050 H12 Size Diameter x thickness ( mm ) 520 x 1.3 580 x 1.4 640 x 1.4 230 x 0.7 250 x 0.8 290 x 0.8 320 x 0.9 330 x 1.0 360 x 1.0 380 x 1.1 420 x 1.1 450 x 1.1 500 x 1.1 210 x 0.5 270 x