Różnica między stopem 8011 folia aluminiowa i 8021 folia aluminiowa

Wraz z rozwojem i postępem społeczeństwa, ludzie mają bardziej rygorystyczne wymagania dotyczące wydajności produktu, którego potrzebujesz, co wymusza na producencie wymagania doboru surowców do produkcji. Tradycyjne materiały metalowe stopniowo nie są w stanie sprostać potrzebom wytwarzania produktów o wysokiej wydajności. Environmental protection is a hot topic today. Aluminum foil is used as an environmentally friendly, nietoksyczny, excellent material, and is widely used in conjunction with the trend of the times. As the new favorite of the times, the stop 8011 folia aluminiowa is widely used in pharmaceutical packaging, opakowania żywności, folia kablowa, dilute cover materials, sealing foil and other fields.

8021 folia aluminiowa i 8011 aluminum foil belong to 8 Series aluminum alloy, what is the difference between these two aluminum foil?

stop 8011 folia aluminiowa

8011 aluminum foil introduction

The 8011 aluminum foil produced by our company is smooth, and the color is uniform, spotless, and good flat. W tym samym czasie, it also has excellent moisture-proof performance, shading and extremely high barrier capacity, silne właściwości mechaniczne, anti-burst, anti-puncture and tear resistance. Non-toxic, bez smaku, higieniczny. Composite, druk, and rubberized aluminum foil are widely used as packaging materials. 8011 aluminum foil with a thickness of 0.018-0.5mm can be processed, and can be customized according to customer requirements.

8021 aluminum foil introduction

8021 Aluminum foil has a thickness range of 0.018 mm do 0.2 mm, and the width can be controlled at 100-1650 mm according to customer requirements. 8021 Aluminum foil is the main product of food packaging and battery soft packaging aluminum foil. 8021 Aluminum foil has excellent moisture resistance, zacienienie i wysoka zdolność barierowa. Non-toxic, bez smaku, bezpieczna, and hygiene. Composite, druk, and rubberized aluminum foil are widely used as packaging materials.

Różnica pomiędzy 8011 folia aluminiowa i 8021 folia aluminiowa

  1. The strength and corrosion resistance of the 1,8011 aluminum foil are higher than 8021 folia aluminiowa;
  2. Folia aluminiowa 8011 ma wysoką wytrzymałość, but its elongation and puncture resistance under the same state are lower than 8021 folia aluminiowa. Dlatego, in drug packaging, the aluminum foil coating on the back of drug capsule plate is mostly 8021 folia aluminiowa, while the Blister aluminum and tropical aluminum with higher requirements for sealing and elongation are mostly 8021 folia aluminiowa i 8079 folia aluminiowa;
  3. Folia aluminiowa 8011 is more widely used and can be used in many fields such as drug packaging, opakowania żywności, materiały na lunch box, taśma foliowa, folia kablowa, milk capping materials, bottle capping materials, itp. chwila 8021 aluminum foil is relatively expensive and is mostly used in the packaging of lithium battery soft wrapped aluminum plastic film and blister drugs with relatively high requirements.