De ce pot 6000 aliajele de aluminiu în serie să fie tratate termic, dar 5000 seria nu poate?

Capacitatea de a trata termic un aliaj de aluminiu depinde de elementele de aliere ale acestuia și de capacitatea acestora de a forma precipitate sau faze tratabile termic.. Diferența principală dintre 5000 serie și 6000 aliajele de aluminiu de serie constă în elementele lor de aliere, ceea ce are ca rezultat proprietăți distincte de tratament termic.

5000 Seria aliaje de aluminiu:

The 5000 aliaje de aluminiu de serie, ca 5052 și 5083, are primarily composed of aluminum, with magnesium (Mg) as the main alloying element. These alloys are not considered heat treatable because they do not contain elements that readily form heat-treatable precipitates, precum cuprul (Cu) or zinc (Zn). While magnesium can contribute to increased strength through cold working (strain hardening), it does not form strengthening phases when heated to specific temperatures and then quenched.

Instead, 5000 series alloys are often used in their annealed or H32/H34 temper conditions, where they have good formability and moderate strength. They can be strengthened through cold working, but this does not involve heat treatment.

5052 aluminiu

6000 Seria aliaje de aluminiu:

The 6000 aliaje de aluminiu de serie, including popular alloys like 6061 și 6063, contain both magnesium (Mg) și siliciu (Si) as their primary alloying elements. These alloys are known as heat-treatable because they can be significantly strengthened through a heat treatment process called precipitation hardening (also known as T6 temper or artificial aging).

In the precipitation hardening process, the alloy is heated to a specific temperature, typically around 350°F to 450°F (175°C to 230°C), and then quenched to rapidly cool it. This forms fine precipitates of a strengthening phase (usually Mg2Si) within the aluminum matrix. These precipitates hinder dislocation movement, making the alloy stronger and more durable.

placa de aluminiu 6061

placa de aluminiu 6061

În concluzie, the difference in heat-treatability between 5000 serie și 6000 series aluminum alloys is primarily due to their alloying elements. While magnesium is the primary alloying element in both series, 6000 series alloys also contain silicon, which enables the formation of heat-treatable precipitates and allows for substantial strengthening through heat treatment. Invers, 5000 series alloys lack the necessary elements for this precipitation hardening process and are thus not considered heat treatable.