Yengillik yangi energiya vositalari assortimentini yaxshilash uchun muhim chora hisoblanadi

Yangi energiya vositalari energiya tejash va emissiyani kamaytirish va atrof-muhit bosimini yumshatishda yordam beradi. Ammo hozirda, yangi energiya vositalarida ishlatiladigan batareya avtomobil diapazoni talablariga javob bera olmaydi, faqat masofani yaxshilash uchun avtomobilning og'irligini kamaytirish uchun. The relevant research shows that the weight of pure electric vehicles can be reduced by 10kg and the range can be increased by 2.5km, which shows the importance of lightweighting.

automotive aluminum sheet

The development of automotive lightweighting is inseparable from the choice of vehicle materials. Among many lightweight materials, aluminum alloy material has obvious advantages. Alyuminiyning zichligi kichik, faqat 1/3 of steel. Replacing steel with aluminum alloy material can realize structural optimization and make the body reduce weight by more than 50%. Because aluminum alloy has the advantages of high strength, korroziyaga qarshilik, good processing performance and high recycling rate, it makes the amount of aluminum in the automobile grow rapidly.

Ayni paytda, the aluminum alloys used for automotive lightweighting are 5182, 5083, 5754, 5052, 6061 alloy aluminum sheet, va boshqalar. They are used in different parts of vehicles. 6061 aluminum sheet is a common alloy for automotive wheels as well as new energy vehicle battery base plates. We can process 6061 aluminum sheet with thickness 0.30-600mm and width 150-2600mm, which has medium strength, yuqori korroziyaga chidamliligi va yaxshi payvandlanishi, and has good application in the field of car chassis protection parts, car doors, wheels and seats.