Wymagania eksploatacyjne i techniczne wskaźniki jakości 3003 paski ze stopu aluminium do osłon akumulatorów

Wraz z rozwojem nowych pojazdów energetycznych, znacznie wzrosło zapotrzebowanie na duże obudowy akumulatorów. 3003 aluminium alloy strip is widely used for its ease of forming, doskonałe ogólne właściwości obróbki mechanicznej, dobra odporność na korozję, umiarkowana wytrzymałość z lekkim ciężarem właściwym i dużą odpornością na pękanie.

3003 listwa aluminiowa

3003 listwa aluminiowa

Raw material for power battery case--3003 aluminium alloy strip performance requirements

Power battery shells require a high level of overall material performance:

(1) The power battery case is formed by stamping, which has a large deformation, many stamping processes, complex stamping technology, precise mould design and is an asymmetric box stamping. The performance of the material is one of the most important basic conditions for the success of the stamping process and must have good deep-drawing properties and the mechanical properties must be stable within a strict range.

(2) In order to provide effective protection for the internal battery structure, the power cell shell must have sufficient strength and hardness, while ensuring the necessary plasticity.

3003 aluminum alloy power battery shell strip

3003 aluminum alloy power battery shell strip

(3) In order to adapt to different environments and to ensure the service life of the battery, the material used for the power cell shell must have good corrosion resistance and chemical stability.

Main technical quality indicators for 3003 paski ze stopu aluminium do osłon akumulatorów

Właściwości mechaniczne 3003 aluminium alloy strips for power battery shells are shown in Table 1, and the strip thickness tolerances are shown in Table 2.

Stop Wytrzymałość na rozciąganie (MPa) Wytrzymałość (MPa) Wydłużenie (%) Ear-making rate (%)
3003-H14 135~175 ≥135 ≥4 ≤4

Tabela 1: mechanical properties of 3003 aluminum alloy power battery case

grubość (mm) Tolerancja grubości (mm)
>0.80~1.50 ±0.015
>1.50~3.00 ±0.02

Tabela 2: 3003 Aluminum Alloy Power Battery Shell Strip Thickness Tolerance

The surface roughness of the 3003 listwa aluminiowa is controlled at 0.20~0.35μm, and the surface is required to be bright and clean, without defects such as periodic sticky wounds and marks, no obvious bright or dark bands, brak korozji, penetrating porosity, pressure scratches, wgniecenia metalowe i niemetalowe.