The role of alloying elements and impurity elements in the 1000 серія алюміній

Iron and silicon are the main impurities in the 1000 серія алюміній. The different content and relative ratio of iron and silicon have a great influence on performance. Наприклад, based on the composition of 1a99 alloy, the iron content is increased from 0.0017% до 1.0%, the elongation of the alloy is reduced from 36% до 14.3%; the silicon content is increased from 0.002% до 0.5%, and the elongation is increased from 36% decreased to 24.5%. For the melting casting process, відносний вміст заліза і кремнію різний, and the tendency of ingot crack formation is also different. In the range of high-purity aluminum, due to the low content of iron and silicon, silicon can be dissolved in the matrix, and the tendency of ingot cracking is small. In the range of industrial pure aluminum, when the total content of iron and silicon is about 0.65% або менш, the alloy has a tendency to crack. If w(FE)>В(SI) is controlled within this range, cracks can be prevented. Проте, when the content of iron and silicon is high and their sum is greater than 0.65%, even if w(SI)>В(FE), cracks will not appear.

The main impurities in the 1 series aluminum alloys are iron and silicon, followed by copper, магній, цинк, марганець, хром, титан, бор, тощо, as well as some rare earth elements. These trace elements are also alloyed in some 1 серії алюмінієвих сплавів. It has a certain effect on the structure and properties of the alloy.

1000 серія алюміній

The specific introduction is as follows:

(1) Залізо: Iron and aluminum can form FeAl₃, iron and silicon and aluminum can form ternary compounds α (Ал, Fe, І) and β (Ал, Fe, І), which are the main phases in the 1 алюмінієвий сплав серії , Hard and brittle, it has a great influence on the mechanical properties. Загалом, the strength is slightly increased, while the plasticity is reduced, and the recrystallization temperature can be increased.

(2) Кремній: Silicon and iron are coexisting elements in aluminum. When silicon is excessive, it exists in the state of free silicon, hard and brittle, so that the strength of the alloy is slightly increased, while the plasticity is reduced, and it has a significant impact on the secondary recrystallized grain size of high-purity aluminum.

(3) Мідь: Copper mainly exists in a solid solution state in the 1 алюмінієвий сплав серії, which contributes to the strength of the alloy and also affects the recrystallization temperature.

(4) магній: Magnesium can be an additive element in the 1 series aluminum alloy and mainly exists in a solid solution state. Its function is to improve the strength and has a small effect on the recrystallization temperature.

(5) Manganese and chromium: Manganese and chromium can significantly increase the recrystallization temperature, but they have little effect on grain refinement.

(6) Titanium and boron: Titanium and boron are the main metamorphic elements of series 1 алюмінієві сплави, which can refine the ingot grains, but also increase the recrystallization temperature and refine the grains. Проте, the influence of titanium on the recrystallization temperature is related to the content of iron and silicon, but when Si contains 0.48% (масова частка), titanium can significantly increase the recrystallization temperature. Вплив титану на температуру рекристалізації пов'язаний з вмістом заліза і кремнію. The addition of an element and impurities has a great influence on the electrical properties of the 1000 алюмінієвий сплав, which usually leads to a decrease in the electrical properties. Серед них, нікель, мідь, залізо, цинк, and silicon cause a decrease in electrical properties, while vanadium, хром, марганець, and titanium cause a decrease in electrical properties. The decreasing order of conductivity is Cr, Мн, В, з, Mg, Cu, Zn, І, Fe. В додаток, copper and zinc will reduce the corrosion resistance of aluminum, while manganese, silicon and iron will form a brittle phase, which will affect the plasticity of 1000 алюмінієвий сплав.

Addition of elements and impurities has a greater impact on the electrical properties of Series 1 алюмінієві сплави, and generally reduces the electrical properties. Серед них, нікель, мідь, залізо, цинк, and silicon decrease less, while vanadium, хром, марганець, and titanium decrease more. В додаток, the presence of impurities will destroy the continuity of the oxide film formed on the aluminum surface and reduce the corrosion resistance of aluminum.